Flutter Basic - To make space to have a specific width and/or height, what is the difference between Container and SizedBox

Compare Container and SizedBox with Size


  • Container: A convenience widget that combines common painting, positioning, and sizing widgets.

  • SizedBox: A box with a specified size.

To make space to have a specific width and/or height, what is the difference between Container( height: 200, width: 100, ) and SizedBox( height: 200, width: 100, ).

Container class

Container define

Container -> StatelessWidget -> Widget

Container build widget with Size

When height or width is not null, the Container created constraints (BoxConstraints)

constraints =
        (width != null || height != null)
          ? constraints?.tighten(width: width, height: height)
            ?? BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height)
          : constraints,

when constraints is not null, the Container build the Widget with parent is ConstrainedBox

 if (constraints != null)
      current = ConstrainedBox(constraints: constraints!, child: current);

ConstrainedBox and SizedBox is extends from SingleChildRenderObjectWidget.

Widget tree


SizedBox class

SizedBox define

SizedBox -> SingleChildRenderObjectWidget -> RenderObjectWidget -> Widget

SizedBox build widget with Size

SizedBox don’t build the Widget by method Widget build(BuildContext context) as Container, because it is not extend from StatelessWidget, SizedBox make Widget by method RenderConstrainedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context)

  RenderConstrainedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context)
    return RenderConstrainedBox(
      additionalConstraints: _additionalConstraints,

  BoxConstraints get _additionalConstraints {
    return BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height);

Widget tree


Put Together

  • To make space to have a specific width and/or height, the SizedBox is better.
  • How about Container( color: Colors.red, ) and ColoredBox( color: Colors.red, );
  • Read Flutter/Dart - Open Source to understand source code.


-> is extends

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