Part 1, Maestro - automate UI testing for your mobile app

Use Maestro to automate UI testing for Dream by WOMBO app.

In this tutorial, I use Maestro to automate UI testing for Dream by WOMBO app.



Maestro is open source, written by Kotlin

  • Simple
  • Support Android & iOS
  • Works anywhere

Layout Inspector

UI test


Android Inspector

  • Open Android Inspector app

  • Access on Google Chrome

  • Open app Dream by WOMBO

  • Inspector login screen

Inspector Login Screen

  • Inspector main screen

Inspector Main Screen

You can see button +, without ID or Text

  • Inspector create art screen

Inspector Create Art Screen

Test step

  • Step 1: Open app

  • Step 2: In login screen, click button Try it out , change to main screen

  • Step 3: In main screen, click button + , change to create art screen

  • Step 4: In create art screen, [1] click edit text Type anything, [2] enter prompt: Pikachu, [3] choosen Paint style, [4] click button Create, change to creating screen

and [5] validate text View all benefits

  • Step 5: In creating screen, waiting to done, after 1 s, move result screen

  • Step 6: In result screen, take screenshot


Run on terminal maestro test flow_wombodream.yaml

# maestro test flow_wombodream.yaml
appId: com.womboai.wombodream
# Step 1
- launchApp
# Step 2
- tapOn: "Try it out"
# Step 3
- tapOn: # press button create new 
    width: 198       
    height: 198     
    tolerance: 10 
# Step 4.1
- tapOn: "Type anything"
# Step 4.2
- inputText: "Pikachu"
# Step 4.3
- tapOn: "Paint"
# Step 4.4
- tapOn: "Create"
# Step 4.5
- assertVisible: "View all benefits"
# Step 5
- extendedWaitUntil:
    visible: Generate Again
    timeout: 10000
# Step 6
- takeScreenshot: CreateArtScreen 

Pass variables to tests

I will change prompt and style by paramater and pass parameters to Maestro

Run on terminal maestro test -e PROMPT=dragon -e STYLE=Polygon flow_wombodream.yaml

# maestro test -e PROMPT=dragon -e STYLE=Polygon flow_wombodream.yaml
appId: com.womboai.wombodream
- launchApp
- tapOn: "Try it out"
- tapOn: # press button create new 
    width: 198       
    height: 198     
    tolerance: 10    
- tapOn: "Type anything"
- inputText: ${PROMPT}
- tapOn: ${STYLE}
- tapOn: "Create"
- assertVisible: "View all benefits"
- extendedWaitUntil:
    visible: Generate Again
    timeout: 10000
- takeScreenshot: CreateArtScreen 

Pass variables to tests

Test record

Test record

  • Video test record (x4)

Test result

I got screenshot file CreateArtScreen.png


Part 1, Use Maestro to automate UI testing for Dream by WOMBO app.

Part 2, Use Maestro to automate UI testing for Apple Contacts App.

Supported by DartJ

Cover Photo

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